Multi Centres Should Be Happy Centres
International schools that have grown to incorporate more than one centre, need to ensure that all of their centres are run in a unified and complementary manner. In addition, schools that collaborate with partner universities and colleges on pathway or foundation courses are facing challenges to keep the workflow simple and avoid repetitive input of student data.
The Challenge
Speaking about this issue, Sudesh Prasad, managing director at Intrinsiq, says:
“Many systems are unfortunately unable to link users to a cloud based collaborative platform that updates in live time, and as a result ends up slowing down many schools we have spoken to. With remote users and travelling colleagues, an easily accessible application, that is customised to the user, is key to managing data and turning that into data intelligence. Remote sales teams can input data that is actioned in a few minutes, rather than waiting to upload to the server at HQ.”
Cloud Based Solutions
Additionally, with cloud based solutions physically separated teams can also have custom portals - drawing on the data and presented in a way that is relevant to the user, for example, an agency, sales team, accommodation team.
Security groups also add a layer of management allowing only the relevant data to be shown to the specific user, centre or centres. Couple this with tailored reporting, and a cloud based unified multi centre management system is the ideal way to manage a multi-centre school.
Key requirements for Multi Centre Schools
Multi centre simultaneous connectivity
Security levels to control data access
Customised portals for each user group(s)
Live time data
Seamless team collaboration
What if a school is already working with another CRM provider?
If you are already working with another provider, don’t worry. Intrinsiq has a lot of experience with smooth transitions from third party systems to their cloud. You and your staff will have the chance to learn how to work effectively with Intrinsiq before you switch over to it. Intrinsiq will also create a migration plan to ensure no data or bookings are lost during transition.
To top it off, Intrinsiq is offering schools free hosting for 6 months which is worth £2700 GBP.
So what are you waiting for? Take this opportunity to switch to an efficient, solid cloud-based system today! Contact Intrinsiq on to find out more about how you can benefit from this exciting offer, and start running your school more efficiently. That way, you and your staff can focus all your resources on what matters the most i.e. giving your students the best learning experience possible!