Accommodation Allocation Automatic Matching with Intrinsiq

While some schools and education providers within the field of international education are still doing manual homestay allocation, the Intrinsiq system has been developed to such an extent that it allows for students to be matched with the right family….automatically, at the click of a button. Doesn’t that sound magical?


Data makes everything possible

This kind of automated matching is possible thanks to the data that members of staff enter into the Intrinsiq system about their accommodation options and students when they book. The system filters through the available accommodation options as per the booking date, and it also filters as per the student necessities, requirements and wishes. For example, if a student wants to stay in a single room in a host family without pets, the system will automatically filter out all those host families who do not have a single room option and those who have pets.

Here’s a demo of how you can do it!

For any further information about accommodation allocation on Intrinsiq, or for any other matters related to School Management Software Systems, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Intrinsiq team on to set up an appointment.

Intrinsiq Web Team