Taking a look at the newly updated Intrinsiq Website

Last month we launched our new website. It is built to reflect the kind of company - contemporary and professional at the same time. In this article we are going to walk you through the main fields of our new website so that you too can get more acquainted with them.

General Overview

One of the things that immediately strikes you upon landing on our website are the tabs. Apart from the general tabs, such as the ‘About us’ section, this new website also includes two very important areas - the ‘Support Blog’ section and the ‘Graphical Data’ section. 

Our Support Blog Section

We share weekly content with our readers and followers through our blog, and, in case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s what these focus on:

  • Intrinsiq Support - in this post we focus on customer queries and also on how Intrinsiq can help make schools run their business in a more functional manner

  • How it Works - this is a step-by-step guide on how each function of the system works

  • The Intrinsiq Process - this blog post highlights the relationship between Intrinsiq and our customers and it focuses on the various stages of our customer journey

  • Lives, Reels and other Intrinsiq updates - this final post focuses on a combination of reels and interviews highlighting what we’ve been up to. From time to time we also get to interview some of our customers and partners.

Our Graphical Data Section

This section focuses on giving our users and readers a step-by-step guide on how to use various aspects of Intrinsiq. In this section we look at features such as Correspondence, Diary Entries, Paperless Attendance and Class Allocation, among others. The main difference between the blog section and the graphical data section is that in the first one we communicate our message and give our explanation through text, whereas in the second option the explanation is more visual through graphics and design. 

There’s nothing left for you to do but check out our new website….and we’d love to know what you think about it too!

Get in touch with us on contact@intrinsiq.net to give us your feedback!

Intrinsiq Web Team