Intrinsiq for University Departments provides a core module that houses student, agency, staff and teacher records. Built around the department needs, it includes class management, invoicing, reporting, group management, attendance tracking and integration with various other cloud systems. The system is customizable to fit any department needs. Our approach is to match the flow of the said department and create a system that works best for you.

Intrinsiq is excellent for big data interpretation. In fact, our CRM can help departments track agent performance and find out about emerging trends much more efficiently than if they had to collect this information manually. Intrinsiq is an excellent tool when it comes to teachers. Not only can teachers log into their portal and deal with attendance and student homework and reports, but the system also tracks the amount of hours that teachers work, prepares and exports the timesheet in a way that makes it ready for payroll processing.

However, most importantly, Intrinsiq is an investment that university departments make in order to ensure that they are cutting the costs in areas which can be taken over by software and computers, through automation, hence freeing up their members of staff to focus on more personalized matters, such as student satisfaction.