Homestay Management Made Easier

Focus On Homestay Management

This is the second of a series of articles during which we will focus on various pain points that schools have spoken about in relation to their CRM. Today’s focus is on homestay management.

What issues do schools have?

When it comes to Homestay Management schools have told us that homestay availability is not only hard to update but it also takes a lot of time to do manually. On top of that Accommodation Managers will need to produce reports on capacity vs. demand. 

Another struggle is that most existing CRM solutions do not have remote features for onsite visits to enable them to record data. This obviously means that school representatives visiting onsite will have to record data on paper and eventually transcribe it, making this laborious  and a very time-consuming task.

Add multiple back and forth emails to confirm or amend details with the homestay provider to the equation and you could end up with a huge problem.

How can Intrinsiq help?

Intrinsiq creates user friendly portals that allow staff or homestay providers to  upload data directly to the main database, hence significantly reducing the time taken to record data and then transcribe it.

During onsite visits, the school’s members of staff can upload photos and update the homestay data there and then in live time, once again reducing the time required to go back to the office and update this data manually.

The software can also have a calendar feature that allows staff or homestay providers to update their availability, thus reducing the need for back and forth emails to check on this.

To summarize, what are the benefits of having Homestay Management in your CRM?

  • It removes repetitive manual data entry work

  • It is a powerful reporting tool, especially when it comes to availability checking, black out dates and capacity levels, among others.

  • It allows the homestay provider to directly upload and edit their data, hence saving on admin time. 

  • It sends automated alerts to admin at the head office in case of anything that needs to be taken care of immediately.