Inputting group data has never been easier with Intrinsiq

Whenever we talk about Intrinsiq, we always focus on the fact that the software is easy to maneuver and that many things can be done at just the click of a button. When it comes to data inputting, Intrinsiq is, once again, the go-to CRM for efficiency and ease-of-use. In fact, when entering group info, the Intrinsiq system splits these up into the Expected Students, Leaders and Others.


Group Courses and Charges

Once a group is saved in the system, all the courses that the students in this said group are studying, as well as any other charges, can be added very simply into the system. The system itself will automatically calculate the price per student, price per leader and price per other, which can be manually overwritten in case of any necessary changes.

Imagine this scenario

Imagine you have a group of kids all arriving together in a group, all doing the same course, following the same excursions, and who are paid for by a single agent. Such a group would potentially have some adults coming along with them as ‘group leaders’. These adults within the group would all need accommodation, would want to attend some (or all) excursions and might have some other requests, for example full or half board accommodation.

Within the Intrinsiq CRM, all this is handled as a ‘group’ hence allowing your members of staff to just upload student data, without having to input each individual student. That way, you can quickly allocate them all to their appropriate accommodation, put them in classes together, send them on excursions together and so forth.

Nevertheless, the system also allows you the flexibility of being able to change things round to cater for the requests of the adult members of the group, without messing with the whole group booking.

If you have been thinking about changing to a more proficient CRM solution for your school, drop us a line on and let’s have a chat.

Special Offer

We are currently offering the option of flexible payment terms to our clients. Over and above that, we are also offering 9 months free hosting in order to help cut costs as much as possible especially in these challenging times. Our aim is to get your school up and running so that when things get back to normal, you’ll be fully prepared for that.

Intrinsiq Web Team