“Schools can have all student info stored in one place” - Intrinsiq

Many schools have systems that keep student info stored in one place, however, problems arise whenever there is some form of miscommunication between the student and the school and backdated emails need to be tracked down for verification. Intrinsiq makes sure that schools get to store ALL their student data in one place, and that also includes correspondence that took place prior to booking.


Details are saved chronologically

Another advantage of this system is that members of staff can add Diary Entries (this feature is called “Diary” for the obvious reason that it carries out the same functions of a diary) for individual students, therefore, whenever there is an issue, the member of staff can fish out the name of the student in question and he or she will get a full chronological history of the customer journey that student has had. This may possibly include entries that are email correspondence or sms correspondence, or potentially any hiccups encountered during the booking process, or correspondence related to payment….the possibilities are endless.

Alerting colleagues

When a member of staff adds a diary entry, it is also possible for them to include the names of some colleagues who might need to be alerted to that particular entry. That way, the member of staff being alerted will receive a notification on his/her dashboard the next time they log into the Intrinsiq system. That way schools can decrease email threads sent to members of staff.

For example:

Let's say from the Academics department, they send an alert via the Diary to the Student Welfare department in relation to the attendance percentage of a particular student being low. Thanks to the efficiency of the system, Student Welfare can either contact the student straight off, or alert a teacher via the system itself to pass on the message to the student. The idea is to avoid the alert being ''lost in translation'' when using multiple media such as email, or word of mouth.

Special Offer

We are currently offering the option of flexible payment terms to our clients. Over and above that, we are also offering 9 months free hosting in order to help cut costs as much as possible especially in these challenging times. Our aim is to get your school up and running so that when things get back to normal, you’ll be fully prepared for that.

Intrinsiq Web Team