Intrinsiq Support: Using the Dashboard

The Dashboard is a very important feature on the Intrinsiq School Management System as it is the place where members of staff who have access to the platform check all their notifications and diary entries. As explained in a previous article, diary entries are a useful tool that allows members of staff to create a unique customer journey for every student at the school, and tag members of staff who need to be notified about specific issues along the way. The dashboard, which is the feature we’ll be focusing on today, is the place where members of staff find these notifications.

The School chooses what is displayed on the dashboard

One of the advantages of Intrinsiq is that the school gets to choose what is displayed on the dashboard. The dashboard usually collects the daily tasks that members of each department deal with on a daily basis. So once they log into their account, their dashboard will give them a complete overview of what they have to tackle.

The Academics Dashboard

The dashboard is of particular importance in the Academics department especially when there are notifications related to student attendance and warnings. Once they log in, members of staff will see these alerts and they will be able to take the necessary action. 

The Accommodation Dashboard

The Accommodation part works in the same way as the Academics Dashboard, therefore, it may include student arrivals and transfers that need to be sorted; students who need to be allocated to their accommodation; a list of families that still need to confirm (and which need to be chased up); host families that are due to update their permit or due a visit etc.  Once members of staff log into the dashboard, they may get a list of people with a particular issue at the click of a button, so they won't have to load up any additional searches.

The Admissions Dashboard

The Admissions Dashboard has a different flow to it as it is done in the form of a timeline. At Intrinsiq we always discuss the flow of the school’s booking process so as to replicate this in the software. That way from the dashboard the members of staff can view students who they've sent an offer to, or those who have just paid, or those that are missing visa details etc. This dashboard also includes the accounts part, including agents who are owed commission or students who still need to pay.

All you need on just one screen!

As mentioned in the article where we spoke about the Diary feature, each diary entry which is assigned to a particular staff member or department will also show up on the staff members’ dashboard. That way, all urgent matters pertaining to that department can be dealt with from just one page. So what are you waiting for? For any matters related to School Management Software Systems, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Intrinsiq team on to set up an appointment.

Intrinsiq Web Team