The ‘Contract’ part of the process discussed last month ( is the confirmation of what the client and Intrinsiq have agreed on. Once that is signed and confirmed, we move on to the next stage of the process; probably the most obvious stage which is the actual building of the (part of the) system that the client wants.
Read MoreFor the first three days of this week the Intrinsiq team has been in Dublin, Ireland, where we had the possibility to meet some new and existing partner schools. This was a great opportunity for us to present the Intrinsiq product to these schools, thanks to two workshops that were organised by MEI - Marketing English in Ireland. At this event, our presentation focused on different aspects of a school management system, and how the concept of automation can save time which is otherwise spent on menial stuff by the members of staff at the school.
Read MoreThis week, we had the pleasure of being interviewed by Bernice from Schools and Agentsabout our upcoming trip to Ireland. This trip will be held between Monday 11th and Wednesday 13th April 2022, and the aim of this trip for Intrinsiq is to speak to schools about the importance of 'Automation' and how this saves schools a lot of time on a day to day basis - time that they can otherwise spend focusing on building relationships with all the stakeholders involved, such as students, parents, agents, host families, and so forth.
Read MoreIntrinsiq and Schools & Agents will be together in Dublin from the 11th to the 13th April delivering interactive workshops to Irish Schools who form part of the MEI organisation. In today’s article we are going to focus on this trip and on the content of the workshop that Mark and Jonas from Intrinsiq will be delivering.
Read MoreLast month we started discussing the area of Classroom Management which can be quite a tricky subject for most education providers, especially since everyone tends to have their preferred method of how to allocate students into their respective classes. In today’s article, we are going to continue expanding on how Intrinsinq can help your school achieve this task in a much faster, more efficiently, and in a more cost-effective manner.
Read MoreIn the busy lifestyle that we lead, simplicity is key. When it comes to the day-to-day running of schools, at Intrinsiq, we make sure to stick to this theory and make our clients’ lives as simple and as easy as possible. We do this by giving them a clear and simple dashboard where they can access all of their day’s work and tasks on one screen - a dashboard where they can view real-time key metrics to help you plan your work day better, and handle the urgent stuff straight away.
Read MoreThe specification part of the process discussed last month (read here) is the more complex step. Once this hurdle is overcome, and once both the client and Intrinsiq are clear on how they will be proceeding, the next step is to sign the contract. This step is fairly simple, once the specification document is signed by the client we move on to the next phase.
Read MoreThis week we have a different kind of article prepared for you by our friends at Intrinsiq. In fact, we have decided to go for a testimonial interview. Over the past months you have often heard about what Intrinsiq does, how Intrinsiq helps its clients, and about how hard they try to meet all of their clients' requirements. Today, rather than hearing it from them, we've decided to invite one of their clients to our live broadcast and hear it straight from the clients themselves. Yesterday, we were pleased to welcome Oscar from GenkiJACS in Japan.
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